Photoshop inspiration for very hot, flaming, sparkling, burning, magma, inferno typography text effects! I'm sweating from all this heat -- so when you need to set anything on fire in Photoshop, work your way through these flaming free Photoshop tutorials -- because these are the dirty dozen inferno tutorials that will ignite you on fire!
Realistic lightning text effect
Realistic lightning text effect
In this tutorial, James demonstrates the procedures in creating a realistic Lightning Text Effect In Photoshop. Unfortunately James didn't give a last name, but we believe he's located in Australia. (This one has lots of rich media ads on the page, so expect jerky scrolling and be careful what you click on!)
Realistic lightning text effect Realistic lightning text effect
Diablo III grungy text effect
Diablo III grungy text effect
Another one from James, this tutorial shows the path he took to create this Diablo III Inspired Grunge Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Diablo III grungy text effect Diablo III grungy text effect
Flaming text effect
Flaming text effect
"Diablo" font must be popular! (There's even a Diablo fans site) This tutorial was created by a person identified only as "Jay S" -- create realistic flaming text in Photoshop, using the old Diablo logo.
Flaming text effect Flaming text effect
Flaming Hot Fire Text in Photoshop
Flaming Hot Fire Text in Photoshop
Steve Patterson writes:
quoting In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we're going to learn how to create a fire text effect, engulfing our letters in burning hot flames. We'll be using Photoshop's powerful Liquify filter for most of the work on the flames themselves, but we'll also be taking a look at the Wind filter, using adjustment layers to colorize the flames, layer styles for adding color to our text, layer masks for blending the flames with the letters, and more! end quote
Flaming Hot Fire Text in Photoshop Flaming Hot Fire Text in Photoshop
Firey Looking Splatter Text Effect
Firey Looking Splatter Text Effect
John Owen posted this free Photoshop Tutorial to the extremely slow loading WebMedia site. (over 60 seconds to load.) This Photoshop tutorial demonstrates a hot splatter text effect. The author notes it can also be used for blood splatter, underwater text, etc.
Firey Looking Splatter Text Effect Firey Looking Splatter Text Effect
Hot and Sparkling Firery Text Effect
Hot and Sparkling Firery Text Effect
In this tutorial, you will learn the steps to create this Hot and Sparkling, Firery Text Effect in Photoshop.
Hot and Sparkling Firery Text Effect Hot and Sparkling Firery Text Effect
Swirl Text Logo
Swirl Text Logo
This tutorial is a result of a few filters and tricks. Useful for creating a unique logo for your website. Thanks to for sending this one
Swirl Text Logo Swirl Text Logo
Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect
Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect
Fire text is one of the most classic techniques found online in Photoshop tutorials. There are literally millions of them out there.
Author Johnson Koh, a graphic and web designer in Singapore, however, is trying out another twist using some real fire images, mixed with filters and blending methods.
Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect
Create a Blazing Hot Text Effect
Create a Blazing Hot Text Effect
Although we spent some time in this site trying to find who created it -- no author names could be found for any of the work. This is a fairly good tutorial showing how to make a fire blazing text effect.
Create a Blazing Hot Text Effect Create a Blazing Hot Text Effect
Molten Lava Text Effect
Molten Lava Text Effect
Since blazing text effects are very popular (it must be the first technique newbies create) anyone can reuse these techniques in many medias, once you understand the technique. This one is a molten text effect surrounded by red bed of blazed mountains. This one is by Rejis Dale
Molten Lava Text Effect Molten Lava Text Effect
Flame text effect
Flame text effect
This one has no author, and no real introduction -- as if just plopped on a page that has nothing to do with Photoshop. People will do anything for a penny. Anyway, once you skip over the advertising splash page, and get past all the screen spam, this tutorial does have some merits -- so if you want to create your own stylish, flaming hot text effect in Adobe Photoshop ... brave the waters and click this one.
Flame text effect Flame text effect
Inferno Text
Inferno Text
This one is from the "tutorial wiz" which seems to exist purely for advertising revenue. But this tutorial shows how to create a fairly nice inferno text effect using some simple steps and filters in photoshop. Although we do not know who the author is, they did provide a raw Photoshop file of the technique: