iAMDA (International Association of Mobile Digital Artists) will hold its first annual MobileArtCon at NYU ITP at the Tisch School of the Arts, October 23-24, 2010. The conference will bring together visual artists, designers, musicians and app developers from around the world to discuss art and music created on handheld touchscreen devices (iPhones/iPads, etc) from a creative, technical and historical perspective. The free event features artist presentations, app demonstrations, and forums by app developers.
Last month's "Flaming Text in Photoshop" inspiration page was very hot -- as we predicted -- the third most popular page in the site for March, with more than 60,000 visits! So, we thought we would hurry up and get the second flaming, sparkling, burning, magma, inferno typography text effects page installed! So, here's yet ANOTHER dirty dozen inferno tutorials that will ignite you on fire!
3D Lava Text