Corner-A has rolled out LightFrame 2.0 for Mac OS X. The New version of LightFrame brings an improved user interface and new rendering engine made from the scratch. Both stability and performance increased, and a lot of features were added as well, including frame stacks. LightFrame now allows to add even complex frames with few clicks and set up every aspect of the frame.
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Eagle Inc. has rolled out Zen Artist 1.0 for iPad. The famous drawing tool in Japan released in US. With Zen Artist for iPad, you can draw beautiful art, like Van Gogh. Like a Romance, your finger will be the magic brush that creates many beautiful paintings.
Zen Artist 1.0 for iPadZen Artist is the most beautiful brush paint tool in the world. In Japan, "Zen Artist" received a Top3 ranking in the Appstore, and most popular paint tool for iPad. Any Children can draw well like Gogh. Any Grand Mother can draw well like Monet. Good Painter can create more beautiful art.