Scott Kelby shows you how to develop your photos in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3, including setting white balance, seeing befores and afters, and applying changes made to one photo to other photos. Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of New Riders
Also see: Real World Digital Photography, 3rd Edition, by Katrin Eismann, Sean Duggan, and Tim Grey
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers by Conrad Chavez
This free chapter is from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers
Master the fundamentals of Photoshop CS5 and make all of your images come alive. In "Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One", author Deke McClelland's gives you step-by-step tutorials, hours of DVD-video demonstrations, and lots of hands-on projects to help you improve your knowledge and hone your skills.
The new O.S. Windows 7 has improved aesthetics to make the user interface at least more appealing. There are huge ultra detailed icons for folders, devices and so on. This time we will use Illustrator CS4 to create a nice briefcase with the Windows 7 style. You need only a few basics on how to copy, paste, rotate, scale and color the shapes. Let's focus on business.